How to Post Job Recruitment

Before you post a job on our job board, make sure you have created an account, as the user has to be signed in to create a job posting.
But do not worry, as making an account is quick, easy and most importantly free. So do not hesitate and register for an account if you have not done so.
Once you have registered for an account. Log in to your account and let create your first job post on the job board.
To create a job post, follow these steps.
Step 1
Log in to your account or create an account if you still have not done so.
Step 2
Go to the job listing and click on Job Post or Go to Jobs Tab on Menu and select the Job Post sub-menu.

Job Post

Job Post

Step 3

This is the job posting form. Be sure to filled in all the information as the more information you can fill out, the better chance of someone applying for job post. Of course, not all sections are required to be filled in.

Job Form

Step 4

Once the necessary sections are filled in, submit the form and see your your newly created job post on the dashboard or see your new post on the job board.

Job Dashboard

The Dashboard is where you can edit or delete your job posts.