Category : 活动
加拿大 不列颠哥伦比亚省 公告
2020年7月13日加拿大华人联合总会收到由卑诗省省督Janet Austin正式签署的全省公示:
加拿大华人联合总会在2020年7月份再次得到BC省政府的表彰和嘉奖。表彰信上除了感谢过去200年以来华人先侨为加拿大做出的各方面贡献以外,号召全省人民学习和了解华人的历史事迹和特殊贡献;旗帜鲜明的表达了反对种族歧视和仇恨的立场;重点表扬了华联会在2020年本省爆发新冠肺炎疫情期间捐赠大量的个人防护用品和为防疫工作做出的特别贡献。因为华联会将在7月26日举办2020中华传统文化节暨抗击新冠肺炎疫情全民行动的全球直播,BC省省督Janet Austin代表BC省政府宣布2020年7月20-26日为BC省的“中华传统文化周”。这是省政府继去年之后第二次给予华联会高度评价和表彰。这个荣耀属于华联会160多位理事、近200家团体会员单位和3万多个人会员的集体荣誉。历史是由人民创造的,而海外华人的历史正是由我们这些普通人创造出来的。以中华传统文化作为纽带链接世界各地的华人华侨,宣传和继承优秀的中华文化。在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的特殊时期,更需要所有人的团结和包容,才是我们早日战胜病毒回归正常生活的法宝。每个人都有超越自己梦想的潜力,作为华人社区的一份子,我知道我们有成为光明的可能,虽然前方的道路异常艰辛,但我们还是会选择那种滚烫的人生。
拍摄制作 | 聚星传媒及各地摄制团队
WHEREAS British Columbia is a culturally diverse province comprising many peoples and communities, and
WHEREAS over the last 200 years, Chinese immigrants have brought a rich cultural heritage representing many languages, ethnicities and religious traditions to British Columbian society, and despite facing adversity, Chinese Canadians have helped to enrich British Columbia’s communities and economy, with their achievements firmly woven into the province’s history, and
WHEREAS people of Asian heritage have faced a rise in racially motivated physical and verbal attacks since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic that the government of British Columbia is committed to addressing along with all other forms of racism and hate, and
WHEREAS in 2020, the Canadian Community Service Association—which has collected a large volume of protective equipment for front-line medical workers to contribute to the province’s efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic— will host the Chinese Cultural Heritage Festival virtually from July 20 to 26 to celebrate the significant contributions made to arts, cuisine, music and heritage in British Columbia by generations of Chinese Canadians, and
WHEREAS the government of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver are committed to establishing a Chinese Canadian Museum that honours the past and present contributions of British Columbians of Chinese descent to the province, and everyone is invited to learn more about the many stories of Chinese Canadians who, throughout history, have done so much to make British Columbia the culturally diverse and prosperous province it is today;
NOW KNOW YE THAT We do by these presents proclaim and declare that July 20 to 26, 2020, shall be known as
“Chinese Cultural Heritage Week”
in the Province of British Columbia.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our Province of British Columbia to be hereunto affixed.
WITNESS, The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of British Columbia, in Our City of Victoria, in Our Province, this tenth day of July, two thousand twenty and in the sixty-ninth year of Our Reign.